
 Company Information

Legal Company Name:

Company Address:

City, State and Zip Code:

Telephone Number:

Number of Years in Business:

Equipment Cost:

 Personal Information

First and Last Name:

Home Address:

City, State and Zip Code:

Social Security Number:

Ownership %:

 Bank References

Name of Bank / Branch:

Account Number:

Telephone Number:

Contact Person:

 Trade References

Company Name:

Telephone Number:

Contact Person:

 Lease / Loan References

Company Name:

Account Number:

Telephone Number:

Contact Person:

In submitting this application electronically, you and any individual identified above who is either a principle credit applicant or a guarantor of it’s obligations, provides this written instruction to Tristar Capital, LLC, it’s nominees or assigns, authorizing review of his/her personal credit profile from a national credit bureau. Such authorization shall extend to obtaining a credit profile in consideration of this application and subsequently for that purpose of update, renewal or the extension of such credit or additional credit for reviewing and collecting the resulting account